Desperation and Self-Pity: Why They’re Not Attractive Traits to Women

In the complex world of dating and relationships, the quest for love and companionship can sometimes lead individuals, including some who identify as “incels,” down the path of desperation and self-pity. While it’s entirely natural to desire meaningful connections, these particular traits are not only unattractive but can also hinder your chances of forming genuine and lasting relationships with women. In this article, we’ll explore why desperation and self-pity are undesirable traits and offer advice on how to cultivate a more attractive mindset.

The Unattractiveness of Desperation

Lack of Confidence

When someone lacks confidence, they often feel insecure about themselves and their abilities. This insecurity can manifest as a desperate need for validation and approval from others, especially in the context of dating and relationships. Here’s how this process unfolds:

  • Seeking Constant Validation: Individuals with low self-confidence tend to seek constant reassurance and validation from their romantic interests. They may constantly question their partner’s feelings or worry about their attractiveness, leading to clingy or needy behavior.
  • Fear of Rejection: A lack of confidence can also result in a heightened fear of rejection. This fear can be paralyzing, making it challenging to approach or interact with potential partners. It can also lead to overanalyzing every interaction, which can be off-putting.
  • Overinvestment in Relationships: Desperate individuals often invest too much emotionally, too soon in a relationship. They may idealize the other person and prioritize their happiness above their own, which can be emotionally draining and unattractive.

On the flip side, confidence is a highly desirable trait for several reasons:

  • Self-Assuredness: Confident individuals are comfortable in their own skin. They don’t need constant external validation to feel good about themselves. This self-assuredness is magnetic because it exudes emotional stability.
  • Independence: Confidence often goes hand in hand with independence. Confident people are less likely to be clingy or needy in relationships. They have their own interests, passions, and a sense of purpose beyond their romantic life.
  • Positive Self-Image: Confidence is linked to a positive self-image. When you feel good about yourself, you radiate positivity and attractiveness. Others are naturally drawn to those who exude self-love and self-acceptance.
  • Effective Communication: Confident individuals tend to be better communicators. They can express their thoughts and feelings clearly and assertively, which leads to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

A lack of confidence can lead to desperation in dating, characterized by clingy behavior, fear of rejection, and overinvestment in relationships. On the contrary, confidence is attractive because it signifies self-assuredness, independence, a positive self-image, and effective communication skills. Building confidence can significantly improve one’s dating life and overall attractiveness to potential partners.


Desperation often arises from a strong desire to be liked or accepted, especially in romantic pursuits. This intense need for approval can push individuals to behave in ways that don’t align with their true selves. Here’s how this connection between desperation and inauthenticity unfolds:

  • Pretending to Be Someone Else: Desperate individuals may feel compelled to present a persona that they believe will be more appealing to their romantic interest. This can involve adopting interests, opinions, or hobbies that they don’t genuinely hold.
  • Fear of Rejection: The fear of rejection can drive people to hide their true feelings or thoughts. They might avoid expressing their genuine desires or boundaries for fear of scaring off the other person. This can result in suppressing their true selves.
  • Over-Complimenting: Desperate individuals may shower their romantic interests with excessive compliments or agree with everything they say, even if they disagree deep down. This behavior is an attempt to win favor but comes across as insincere.

Why Authenticity Is Valued: Authenticity, or being true to oneself, is a highly prized quality in dating and relationships for several compelling reasons:

  • Trust and Connection: Authenticity builds trust and fosters genuine connections. When someone is authentic, it signals that they are open, honest, and trustworthy, which is the foundation of a healthy relationship.
  • Emotional Intimacy: Authenticity allows for emotional intimacy. When individuals can express their true feelings and thoughts, it deepens the emotional bond in a relationship. Authenticity leads to vulnerability, which is crucial for intimacy.
  • Longevity: Authentic relationships are more likely to stand the test of time. Pretending to be someone you’re not is exhausting and unsustainable in the long run. Authenticity ensures that you can be yourself throughout the relationship.
  • Mutual Respect: Authenticity involves respecting one’s own values, needs, and boundaries while also respecting those of your partner. This mutual respect creates a balanced and healthy dynamic.

Desperation can lead to inauthenticity as individuals try to mold themselves into what they think their romantic interest desires. However, authenticity is highly valued by women because it builds trust, fosters emotional intimacy, ensures relationship longevity, and establishes mutual respect. Being genuine and true to oneself is a key aspect of building healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Emotional Drain

Constantly seeking validation and attention can be emotionally draining for both you and your potential partner. Desperation can create a high-pressure atmosphere in which it’s challenging to build a healthy and relaxed relationship.

  • Relentless Anxiety: Desperation often leads to relentless anxiety and overthinking. When you desperately seek someone’s attention or validation, you may find yourself constantly worrying about how they perceive you. This continuous anxiety can be emotionally exhausting, as it keeps you on edge and affects your overall well-being.
  • Fear of Rejection: Desperate individuals often have an intense fear of rejection. This fear can become all-consuming and make dating feel like a high-stakes game. The constant worry about being rejected or abandoned can take a toll on your emotional state, leading to stress and anxiety.
  • Overanalyzing Interactions: Desperation can lead to overanalyzing every interaction and message exchange. You may find yourself dissecting every word and gesture, trying to decipher hidden meanings or signs of interest. This hyper-vigilance can be mentally draining and prevent you from enjoying the dating process.
  • Need for Constant Validation: Desperate individuals tend to rely heavily on external validation. They seek constant reassurance that they are liked or wanted. This need for validation can lead to a cycle of seeking attention and approval, which can be exhausting for both you and your potential partner.
  • Neglecting Self-Care: When you’re consumed by desperation, self-care often takes a backseat. You may prioritize seeking validation over taking care of your emotional and mental well-being. Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout and negatively impact your overall health.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: Desperation can lead to setting unrealistic expectations for your potential partner. You might expect them to fulfill all your emotional needs and provide constant reassurance. These unrealistic expectations can create pressure and strain in the relationship.
  • Repelling Potential Partners: Ironically, desperation can have the opposite effect of what you intend. It can be a repellent rather than an attractant. When you appear overly eager or needy, it can make potential partners feel suffocated and pushed away.
  • Impact on Confidence: Constantly seeking validation and fearing rejection can erode your self-confidence over time. This diminished self-esteem can further exacerbate feelings of desperation, creating a vicious cycle.

The emotional drain associated with desperation can be detrimental to building a healthy relationship. It leads to anxiety, fear of rejection, overanalysis, a need for constant validation, neglect of self-care, unrealistic expectations, repelling potential partners, and a negative impact on confidence. To foster healthy relationships, it’s essential to address and manage feelings of desperation and prioritize self-care and self-confidence.

Lack of Boundaries

Desperate individuals may struggle with setting and maintaining personal boundaries. This can lead to clinginess and an inability to give their partner space, which can be suffocating and unappealing.

  • Clinginess: When desperation takes hold, personal boundaries can become blurred, and you might become excessively clingy. You may feel the need to be in constant contact with your partner, demanding their time and attention without considering their need for personal space. This clinginess can be overwhelming and stifling in a relationship.
  • Fear of Independence: Desperate individuals may fear independence and rely heavily on their partner for emotional support and validation. This fear can lead to an unhealthy dependence on the relationship, making it difficult to maintain a sense of self outside of it. This lack of independence can be unattractive and may even push your partner away.
  • Ignoring Red Flags: In a desperate quest for love and validation, you might ignore red flags or tolerate unhealthy behavior from your partner. This can include tolerating mistreatment, accepting dishonesty, or staying in a toxic relationship. The inability to set boundaries and walk away from unhealthy situations can be emotionally draining and detrimental to your well-being.
  • Loss of Self-Respect: Desperation can lead to a loss of self-respect. You may compromise your values and tolerate disrespectful behavior from your partner, all in the hope of keeping the relationship intact. This can erode your self-esteem and make you appear less attractive to potential partners who value self-respect.
  • Strained Relationships: Lacking boundaries can strain not only romantic relationships but also relationships with friends and family. Your desperation may lead you to prioritize your romantic relationship above all else, neglecting other important connections in your life.
  • Unequal Partnerships: When personal boundaries are absent, relationships can become unequal. You might find yourself constantly giving and sacrificing while receiving very little in return. This inequality can foster resentment and dissatisfaction in the relationship.
  • Difficulty with Communication: Desperation can hinder effective communication. You may struggle to express your needs, concerns, or boundaries clearly. This lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in the relationship.
  • Fear of Abandonment: Desperation often involves an intense fear of abandonment. This fear can make you tolerate mistreatment or cling to a relationship that is no longer healthy. Overcoming this fear and learning to set healthy boundaries is essential for building and maintaining a mutually respectful and fulfilling partnership.

The lack of boundaries associated with desperation in dating can manifest as clinginess, fear of independence, ignoring red flags, loss of self-respect, strained relationships, unequal partnerships, difficulty with communication, and a fear of abandonment. To foster healthy and attractive relationships, it’s crucial to learn how to establish and maintain personal boundaries while also respecting the boundaries of your partner.

The Pitfalls of Self-Pity

Victim Mentality

Self-pity often accompanies a victim mentality. When you constantly see yourself as the victim, it can be challenging to take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Women are generally attracted to individuals who display resilience and a proactive approach to life.

  • Lack of Personal Agency: A victim mentality often reflects a perceived lack of personal agency. When you constantly view yourself as a victim, you may feel powerless to change your circumstances or make positive choices in your life. This can be unattractive to potential partners who seek individuals with a strong sense of self-determination.
  • Resistance to Growth: A victim mentality often resists personal growth and development. Instead of taking setbacks or challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, you may view them as confirmation of your victimhood. This resistance to personal growth can be unappealing to individuals who value personal development and progress.
  • Repetitive Conversations: Self-pity often leads to repetitive and unproductive conversations. You may find yourself repeatedly discussing your problems without taking action to address them. This can be tiresome for your partner and may make them less interested in engaging with you on a deeper level.
  • Limited Problem-Solving Skills: Individuals with a victim mentality may struggle with problem-solving. Instead of proactively seeking solutions to their challenges, they may focus on blaming external factors. This can be frustrating for potential partners who value effective communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Dependency: A victim mentality can lead to emotional dependency on your partner. You may seek constant validation and reassurance, which can be overwhelming for your partner and hinder the development of a healthy, balanced relationship.
  • Resistance to Empowerment: Self-pity often resists empowerment. When you embrace a victim mentality, you may resist efforts to empower yourself and take control of your life. This resistance to empowerment can be unattractive to individuals who admire self-assuredness and a proactive approach to challenges.

Self-pity and the accompanying victim mentality can manifest as a lack of personal agency, emotional burden, resistance to growth, negative energy, repetitive conversations, limited problem-solving skills, dependency, and resistance to empowerment. To appear more attractive in the dating context, it’s essential to work on shifting away from self-pity and embracing a more positive and proactive outlook on life and relationships.

Negative Energy

Self-pity can exude negative energy, making it difficult for women to feel positive and optimistic in your presence. Positive energy is far more attractive and conducive to building connections.

  • Emotional Drain: Self-pity often leads to emotional exhaustion, not only for the person experiencing it but also for those around them. When you constantly dwell on negative emotions and self-pity, it can create a draining atmosphere in your interactions. Potential partners may feel emotionally exhausted by the constant negativity, making it challenging to form a genuine connection.
  • Repetitive Conversations: Self-pity tends to result in repetitive conversations focused on one’s problems and perceived misfortunes. Instead of engaging in diverse and enjoyable discussions, interactions may become centered on negative topics. This repetitiveness can become tiresome for women who seek meaningful and varied conversations in their relationships.
  • Limited Perspective: Self-pity often narrows one’s perspective, making it difficult to see the bigger picture or consider alternative viewpoints. This limited perspective can hinder meaningful discussions and prevent personal growth. Women are generally attracted to individuals who can engage in open-minded and insightful conversations.
  • Emotional Imbalance: Consistent self-pity can lead to an emotional imbalance in relationships. Potential partners may feel overwhelmed by the constant emotional fluctuations and negativity, which can create an unstable and unattractive dynamic.
  • Impact on Mood: The negative energy associated with self-pity can affect the overall mood of interactions. Instead of fostering a positive and enjoyable atmosphere, self-pity can cast a shadow over your interactions, making them less pleasant for both you and your potential partner.
  • Hindrance to Problem-Solving: Individuals caught in self-pity may struggle with effective problem-solving. Instead of actively seeking solutions to challenges, they may dwell on their problems without taking constructive action. This can be frustrating for women who value partners with problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to life’s difficulties.
  • Emotional Weight: Self-pity can add emotional weight to your interactions. Rather than feeling emotionally uplifted and supported, potential partners may perceive the interaction as emotionally burdensome, leading them to seek more positive and fulfilling connections.

The negative energy associated with self-pity can manifest as emotional drain, repetitive conversations, limited perspective, emotional imbalance, mood impact, hindrance to problem-solving, and emotional weight in interactions. To enhance attractiveness in the dating context, it’s crucial to work on minimizing self-pity and cultivating a more positive and emotionally balanced outlook, fostering an environment of emotional well-being and connection.

Emotional Burden

Constantly dwelling on your own misfortunes or perceived shortcomings can become an emotional burden for both you and your partner. Healthy relationships thrive on mutual support and emotional balance.

  • Negativity Snowball Effect: When self-pity becomes a dominant emotion in a relationship, it can trigger a negativity snowball effect. This means that one person’s constant negative emotions and complaints can influence the overall mood of the relationship, making it increasingly challenging to maintain a positive and harmonious connection.
  • Drain on Emotional Resources: Consistently dealing with a partner’s self-pity can be emotionally exhausting. Your partner may feel drained as they expend emotional resources trying to comfort and support you, leaving little energy for their own well-being or the relationship’s growth.
  • Reduced Emotional Intimacy: Self-pity can create a barrier to emotional intimacy. When one person is predominantly focused on their own problems and emotional needs, it can lead to a lack of emotional reciprocity in the relationship. Emotional intimacy requires a balanced exchange of feelings, and self-pity can disrupt this equilibrium.
  • Communication Challenges: Effective communication is vital in any relationship. However, self-pity can hinder productive communication. Instead of engaging in open and empathetic conversations, interactions may become one-sided, with the self-pitying individual dominating discussions with their grievances.
  • Strained Support System: Self-pity can strain a partner’s support system. Your constant need for reassurance and emotional validation may lead to your partner feeling overwhelmed and isolated. They might struggle to confide in friends or family about relationship challenges due to concerns about privacy or loyalty.
  • Impact on Relationship Satisfaction: Over time, an emotional burden resulting from self-pity can significantly impact overall relationship satisfaction. A relationship characterized by constant negativity can become unfulfilling and ultimately unsustainable.
  • Limitation on Growth: Self-pity can limit personal and relational growth. Instead of focusing on personal development and relationship enhancement, both partners may become stuck in a cycle of addressing emotional burdens, hindering the relationship’s potential for progress and happiness.
  • Decreased Resilience: A relationship burdened by self-pity can become less resilient in the face of challenges. Partners may struggle to support each other effectively when they are emotionally drained and preoccupied with negativity.

Self-pity can manifest as an emotional burden in relationships, leading to a negativity snowball effect, a drain on emotional resources, reduced emotional intimacy, communication challenges, a strained support system, decreased relationship satisfaction, limitations on growth, and decreased resilience. To foster a healthy and fulfilling relationship, it’s essential to address self-pity and work towards emotional balance and mutual support. This can help create an environment where both partners can thrive and experience the joys of a fulfilling connection.

Cultivating Attractive Traits

Now that we’ve discussed the unattractive aspects of desperation and self-pity, let’s explore how you can cultivate more appealing traits:

  • Self-Confidence: Building self-confidence is an ongoing process. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments, and remember that you are worthy of love and respect. Confidence is inherently attractive, so invest in personal growth and self-esteem.
  • Authenticity: Be true to yourself and your values. Authenticity is a magnetic quality that draws people to you. Embrace your uniqueness and don’t be afraid to express your true self.
  • Self-Compassion: Instead of self-pity, practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would a close friend. This mindset shift can help you navigate challenges with a more positive outlook.
  • Emotional Resilience: Cultivate emotional resilience by focusing on personal growth, learning from setbacks, and developing healthy coping strategies. This will not only make you more attractive but also better equipped to handle the ups and downs of relationships.
  • Positive Energy: Foster a positive mindset and energy. Surround yourself with uplifting influences, engage in activities that bring you joy, and maintain a sense of optimism about your future.
  • Boundaries: Learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships. Understand that space and independence are vital components of a thriving partnership.


While the journey to meaningful relationships can be challenging, desperation and self-pity, including in the context of some who identify as “incels,” are not the paths to success. Instead, focus on building confidence, authenticity, self-compassion, emotional resilience, and positive energy. These traits are not only attractive to women but also essential for forming deep and genuine connections based on mutual respect and understanding.